Welcome to Apollo

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Our aim is to build a multi-platform app that will track and monitor a person’s state of being, in terms of anxiety, by using a scale of one to five. The app will also include coping mechanisms and journal logs for you to keep track of your progress. Doctors, counsellors, and peers can also access this data if needed with your consent.


Apollo is the idea of building an application on a smartwatch (WearOS) which can be used on Android smartphones and watches. This will help users to manage and subdue their anxieties causing for an easier life day to day.


Why are we creating this app? Well, the reason is, that some of the team members families and themselves, have suffered from mental health issues in the past and they didn't get the help needed to improve their wellbeing. Using our experiences, we are trying to help people going through similar situations to create a better place in our app.

Name Idea

We decided on the name “Apollo” due to Apollo being the patron God of light and healing; we felt like this was very fitting to our ambitions with this project as we aim to help, heal, and bring betterment to people suffering from mental health. It’s important to us to do something about ongoing poor mental health, especially in young people as 50% of young people establish mental health problems by the age of 14 this can grow to 75% of young people establishing mental health problems by 24. Research has also shown that 1 in 6 young people will have experienced an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, which for us is one too many.

  • Michael Connor

    I'm Mikey and my role in this project is Head Coder. As I am the head of coding, I have to make sure that that everything required and needed around code is completed and is on time. I work very closely with my team because if there isn't any communication between us the app and website will not be created and cannot benefit our users. I chose to work on Apollo as I want to help my friends and family to have a better coping system for their mental health.

    Head of Development


We use your heartrate data given to us throughout the day, to create a graph displaying your heartrate trends, this will help us and you to identify stressors and triggers in your day to day life which we can then help you tackle through our meditational videos.

Another feature we are going to include are videos and instructions for meditation/coping exercises that you can utilise at times where you may feel anxious or struggling with everything around you.This coupled with the tracking chart, is only a part of how we aim to tackle the challenge of mental health in society.

App on a smartwatch

Designed for your needs

Our app is designed with helping reduce or manage mental health as the foremost priority. However this does not mean we won't expand. Hopefully as we help you, you will help us to grow, in order to branch into other sectors like physical health and medicine.

App on a smartphone